April 24th 2013: Honey-Do List Getting Long?

Blog, Company News   |   April 23, 2013

Honey-Do List Getting Long?  Turn Those Tasks Over to Our Honey-Do Crews! 

Keep your house in tip-top shape with our honey-do crews!  Get a jump on spring cleaning by planning ahead and hiring our skilled handymen to complete those tasks you’ve been putting off. Our crews are readily available to handle a variety of tasks both outside and inside your home.  Looking to replace your old ceiling fan or chandelier? We can help! Need new shelves hung or new bathroom fixtures installed? Let our Honey-Do crews help you! Reserve your space today, both half day and full day slots are available. Give us your list and we will take care of the rest!

Sample honey-do list:
Bathroom faucet & fixture installation
Change outside lightbulbs
Repair hole in drywall
Re-grout shower stall
Hang new shelving in garage
Install new ceiling fan
Clean & re-install window screens