August 2, 2012: The Gutterman Team – With our customers we can’t lose!

Gutters   |   September 25, 2012

How important do YOU think you are to an organization or business today? Well to us at Gutterman YOU are one of our most vital assets!

We recently read an article on reversing the trend of incivility. This article stated that technology has changed the style, speed, and reach of our communications making society different than what it was a few decades ago. This trend of incivility has been studied by some sociologists who even say rudeness and inconsiderate behavior may be the new norm!

This new norm of rude behavior and combativeness may be embraced by some as a new way of “getting the job done” but here at Gutterman we disagree. Call us “old school” but we strive to provide a level of service that goes beyond just taking care of the customer.  A recent look at our marketing revealed an interesting fact; 67% of our customers are repeat clients OR referred to us. That means we must be doing something right!

So how do we improve? By offering a new level of service called Customer Care to our client base of 26 years! We have developed a new department dedicated to providing exemplary care to our client base that has continuously supported us. The team led by Ashley Clark and Jorge Rodriguez-Sawao have an average tenure of 9-years and have shown their dedication to our clients by going above and beyond and creating a new environment of expectation.

Over the course of the next few months you will see some new programs and changes take place. We hope these changes show you how vital you are to our team and will encourage you to continue to refer our company to your friends, family, and neighbors.

-Chris, Ann and Sara